Ace the TSA CBT Exam 2024 – Get Ready to Fly Through with Confidence!

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Which of the following examples represents indefinite articles?

A and the

An and the

A and an

The correct answer, representing indefinite articles, consists of "a" and "an." Indefinite articles are used to refer to non-specific items or nouns; for instance, when you say "a cat," it indicates any cat rather than a particular one. Similarly, "an" is used before vowel sounds (like "an apple"), further emphasizing the idea of non-specificity. The other terms listed serve different grammatical functions. "The" is a definite article, used to refer specifically to a particular noun. "For" is a preposition that doesn't pertain to articles at all. Therefore, focusing on "a" and "an" aligns with the definition of indefinite articles, as they allow for general reference.

The and for


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